Welcome to
Teddy Tunes!
Get ready for FUN, interactive and engaging musical playgroups for your tot to bop to!
Come sing, dance and play with Teddy at various locations across Singapore.
Clap and tap along to a mix of traditional nursery rhymes and modern children's songs.
Play and sway with our array of toys, props, and musical instruments.

About our classes
Teddy Tunes classes are more than just music sessions
They're lively and engaging experiences designed specifically for babies and toddlers. They're enjoyed the most by children between 6 months to 3 years of age.
Our classes gently encourage child interaction, promoting social skills while developing gross and fine motor skills in a relaxed, fun, and supportive environment.
We encourage parents and caregivers to take the opportunity to engage fully with the activities and have fun themselves.

What happens in a class?
Teddy Tunes classes are relaxed, fun and engaging.
Each class starts and ends the same but the content of the session changes all the time. Familiarity helps little minds!
We use an array of toys offering sensory, exploratory and imaginative experiences.
Key themes are introduced in each class. These change on a five week rotation.
Classes are care-giver accompanied and we love visits from grandparents and siblings. It's a family affair!
Each class is approximately 40 minutes long.

Our mission
Our goal is to run FUN sessions for little children and their carers, in a relaxed, flexible and accessible environment. Raising kids is hard enough without having to deal with fixed packages, inflexible schedules and exorbitant costs. We just wanted to create really fun and inclusive classes that mums, dads, helpers and their kids could come to, with no pressure attached to them.

Sign up as a member to buy your one class pass or 5 Class Pass, then log in to our bookings portal to book your spot in a session! Our passes have no expiration date and can be redeemed at any Teddy Tunes class.
Classes are limited to 12, so don't forget to sign up in advance to secure your spot!

“Thank you for your brilliant classes. I have really loved bringing Arya to them and they will always be a fond memory of my maternity leave time with her."
"Alba has now started school so can't attend any longer but she has loved it SO much though. And her teacher has said when there is music playing she is the first one to stand and start dancing! Thank you so much for helping to encourage her love of music and confidence with herself and other kids!"
“River loves Teddy Tunes. My helper tells me his dancing is full of joy - it's lovely to hear that from you too. He loves listening to music at home now too. Thank you! And thanks again for all that you do.”
“Thank you for the years of musical fun for all 3 of my girls. They thoroughly enjoyed the classes and it was a great introduction for them to be part of a "class" with a teacher. Wishing you all the very best”
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